Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

MY Family

302690_108191035957881_100003009547120_78472_888478695_n.jpgMY FAMILY

                                                               Me and My Brother

My father and mother

I will tell you about my family. My family consist of me, my father, my mother, and my brother.  We are small family. But we love each other.
First, I want to tell you about my father. My father’s name is H. Umar Hasyim. He was born on Taliwang, 31 Desember  1961. So he is 52 years old now. He has black and short hair, grey eyes and creamy skin. His height is about 160 cm.  He has pointed nose and big body. He wears glasses. He is kind and patient father.  But sometimes  he angry if I too fussy. Hehe. He loves to help other. He often goes to the mosque to pray. He taught me ‘ngaji’. He always gives me advice about our religion.  He also always accompany me to the school every morning.  He is a civil servant . He works in Bawasda ( Badan Pengawas Daerah). He is a hard worker and family man.
Second,  my mother. My mother’s name is Hj. Hurriyah.  She was born in Bondowoso, 14 September 1962 . My mother has a chubby face.  Her Height is about 150 cm. She has pointed nose. She has white skin, black eyes, black hair.  She wears jilbab.  She also wears glasess. She is kind mother. She really care and love us.  She taught me many things. She often tell  story or her experience life  to me that I can take them be my guidance of life. She is civil servant and businesswoman.  But she never forget her role as wife and mother.  She always gives me advice. When I am down, he always encourage me.  Her words can make me calm, realize and rise again. Sometimes, I think she is fussy. But I know she want the best for me and my brother. She did everything for  us.  I love her so much. She is my inspiration.  She is the number one for me.  Nobody else that can take her place in my heart.
Third , my brother.  His name is Zaky Abbas.  He is older than me. He was born on Bondowoso, 21 April 1993. So he is 18 years old now. Her height is about 170 cm. He has black and short hair. He has dark skin, big eyes, and pointed nose. Among my family, he is the most like an Arabian people. Now he is student at Sebelas Maret University Solo and now stay in Solo. He is funny. He always makes jokes that can make me laugh. His hobby is writing. He want to be writer and make a book.  His favorite book is mistery.  When I was  child, I often quarrel with him. But now, we give advice each other.  Sometimes he doesn’t heard my advice so I angry with him. Hehe. He is kind  and very patient brother. He care with me. He love me so much.
And the last, me!!. My name is Akmalia Fatimah. I was born in Mataram, 23 July  1996. Now, I was 15 years old. I am student at SMAN 1 Sumbawa Besar. I am in the first grade. My height is about 158 cm. I have black eyes, white skin, pimples and pointed nose. I have black and wavy hair. I wears  glasses. My dream is to be a pediatrician. I love reading. I like reading comic, novel, magazine, subject book and others. Based my friends opinion, I am fussy, stingy but funny.  They said, life is flat without me ( hahaha).  Maybe, I am nerd student.
I think that’s all about my family. I love my family so much.  My family so important for me.  My family is a place to share, to learn, and many more.  My home is my paradise. Family is the only place to back.

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